Hello to all newcomers!
I'm Terri and welcome to my new Michael's Magical Mystery Tour website!
This is a brand new website that is still under construction, however, it has many pages to explore all ready set up and awaiting your visits. Those that are still in progress will be duly noted as just that ... a page in progress.
Please visit my "About* and *Services* tabs for more information at:
ABOUT: https://www.michaelsmysterytour.com/about
SERVICES: https://www.michaelsmysterytour.com/services
I look forward to meeting you and to many fruitful and enjoyable conversations to come across all of the discussion forms, including the MICHAEL TEACHINGS Forum, the ANIMAL WISDOM Forum and the SHAMANISM Forum, and others as they appear in our expanding list of catagories and subject areas in the days, weeks, months and years to come.
And as the old saying goes, "the longest journey begins with the first step" ... (and the first introductory post) ... which this is in our brand new DISCUSSION FORUM here on Michael's Magical Mystery Tour website.
Warmest of welcomes and blessings to you, and have lots of fun exploring!
Sincerely, Terri Benning
Owner / Website Designer & Creator